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Using the API

1. Introduction

This document explains how to use the API published on the Fujitsu Research Portal.

Users must first create a Fujitsu Research Portal account and sign in. For how to create an account, please refer to Creating an Account. To use an API published on the Fujitsu Research Portal, users must also grant an API access token to the Authorization header. For how to issue an API access token, please refer to Issuing an API Access Token. Note that the contents of this manual may differ from the latest version.

2. How to Use the API

This document outlines two ways to use the API published on the Fujitsu Research Portal.

  • 2.1. Calling the API from the Fujitsu Research Portal
  • 2.2. Calling the API using cURL or other tools
    • As cURL and Postman can be used in the same way, they are interchangeable within this document.

In addition, there is a limit of five requests/min for each user to use the API on the Fujitsu Research Portal. As requests are counted per user, calls to the other API will still be included in this number.

2.1. Calling the API on the Fujitsu Research Portal

  1. After signing in to the portal, click the “Technologies/List of Technologies” button at the top right or center of the navigation bar to go to the "Technologies" page.

  2. On the "Technologies" page, choose the technology you'd like to use and go to the "Document" page.

  3. On the "Document" page, click the "Try the Technology" button and go to the "Details" page.

  4. On the "Details" page, click the "Try the Technology" button. "Try the Technology" button appears if you are not logged in, or if you are logged in but do not agree to the technical terms.

  5. In the pop-up, enter the "verification code" that was delivered to SMS in the form and click the “Verify Code" button.

  6. Check the "Notice of Terms of Use for technology" and if you agree, check the "I agree with the Terms of Use" check box and click the "Proceed forward" button. If you don't agree, click Cancel at the top to close the screen.

  7. Click the "Try the API" button at the bottom of the "Details" page to go to the "API Specification" page. "Try the API" button appears when you are logged in and you accept the technical terms.

  8. On the "API Specification" page, choose the API you'd like to use from the list of APIs on the left. Check the API headers, parameters, and body, then click the "Try It" button at the top right to go to the "Try It" page.

  9. On the "Try It" page, open the "Authorization" tab and select "authorization_code" for the "Developer_Portal_Access_Token" field. Once selected, the "Headers" tab is automatically populated with the "Authorization" field and the API access token, which can be obtained after authentication.

    To use a pre-acquired API access token, click "+ Add header" at the bottom of the "Header" tab, add the "Authorization" field and enter "Bearer eyJ...." "eyJ..." is the pre-acquired API access token.

  10. Enter the appropriate information in the "Headers," "Parameters," and "Body" fields, scroll to the bottom of the "Try It" page, open the "HTTP request" tab and click the "Send" button. Choose a language from the drop down menu under the "HTTP request" tab displays the code used for making the API request in the selected language.

  11. Check the results of the HTTP request response that is displayed.

2.2. How to Call the API from cURL, etc.

  1. Follow the same steps outlined in Calling the API on the Fujitsu Research Portal 1-7 to navigate to the "API Specification" page, select the API you'd like to use, and confirm the contents. Then, on the "API Specification" page, under the "Request" field, note "HTTP method" and "URL." If necessary, also note "Request parameters," "Request headers," and "Request body." cURL-using-the-api

  2. Open a terminal on an environment compatible with cURL, enter the cURL command, and execute. Then add -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ..." to the command because it is necessary to add an "Authorization" header in addition to the required "Request headers." "eyJ..." is the pre-obtained API access token.

    How to Obtain a Simple cURL Command
    First, follow the same steps outlined in Calling the API on the Fujitsu Research Portal 8 to navigate to the “Try It“ page. Then, from the drop-down menu under the "HTTP request" tab, choose "cURL" and click "Copy" to copy the cURL command Clicking "Reveal secrets" displays the API access token, which then can be copied from the screen. And finally, following the same steps outlined in "How to Call the API from cURL, etc." 2, paste the copied command into a cURL-compatible terminal and execute.

  3. Check the results displayed.

2.3. Downloading API Specifications

Selecting a format from "API definition" at the center of the "API Specification" page downloads the API specifications in that format.